The government has ordered Finance permanent secretary Joseph Kinyua to set up a one-stop shop where investors can obtain business permits to prop up Kenya’s position as a favourite regional investment destination. Head of public Service, Francis Muthaura, wrote a letter to Mr Kinyua on September 8 requiring him to establish the one-stop shop by the end of this month. The facility will be hosted in a single hall that is convenient and easily accessible to investors and the general public. The shop will be mandated to issue business permits to local and foreign investors.
read on: http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/One+stop+Kenya+investment+shop+in+the+pipeline/-/539552/1236938/-/cul798z/-/index.html
Doing Business in Kenya today...
Now a days, psi were really goes broad. Yet having an investment like this were not easy to have. It takes also a lot of things to consider. Thank you for sharing this with us.