Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fast lane to the future of transport system opens

Travelling on the refurbished Nairobi Thika highway — sections of which are still under construction — one gets a glimpse of the future of road transport in Kenya. What comes to mind, probably, are the benefits of reduced time and lower fuel use. Not forgetting that farmers from as far away as Murang’a and the resource rich Rift Valley will easily deliver farm produce to Nairobi and other food-deficient towns at cheaper prices. This is the projection of the African Development Bank (AfDB), a key financier of the continent: to invest in infrastructure development and hence support the growth of other sectors.
READ ON: http://www.nation.co.ke/Features/smartcompany/Fast+lane+to+the+future+of+transport+system+opens+/-/1226/1215518/-/g0lbo4z/-/index.html

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