Friday, September 30, 2011

MALI: New Kenyan Soap Opera

That Mexican soaps have flooded the prime time slot of the television stations cannot be understated.  But even though they are popular especially among women viewers, every TV executive is looking for that silver bullet that will turn the tide and start another trend in Kenya. Mali will be the first Kenyan soap to air three times a week on NTV starting October. The family drama by Al Is On Productions is modelled on a story that many Kenyans would associate with. Some of the biggest headline grabbing stories in Kenya have been family dramas played right before news cameras. Last year, there was the Kirima family saga, a real life soap opera that Kenyans were obsessed with that involved legacy, wealth and succession. read on:


  1. Cant wait for this, kudos!!!

  2. It wil b very nys if they keep it real... Show the kenyan love... Do it the kenyan way.4 me its a must watch

  3. kudos 2 athur........

  4. The name is just a let down! Mali is it wealth or Mali the country.

  5. The name is a complete let down. Not just because something is about wealth you call it wealth.

  6. iv watched it a couple of times and damn! a love it
    kudos to the producers and crew its awsome!

  7. Awesome progy! Fantastic Cast! The production is out of this world! I never miss it.Wish it cud be aired from monday to friday.

  8. nothing like it pure bliss i love

  9. the name is a compelete let down, i googled mali and it was not in the top ten search because mali the country surfaced more, i think it lacks identity,

  10. Could somebody please let me know how to congratulate the person or people who have written Usha Mali's Script?

    1. You can reach them on the Twitter handle @malidrama.

  11. Since they show reruns of foreign shows, they should also have reruns of our own old-time TUSHAURIANE. It was a good drama.

  12. Can someone please provide me with pictures of Usher Mali's house design photos....I really love her house and the way it is decorated, interior and exterior design. I kindly request for details of those premises that she acts in as her home.

  13. how can i get an opportunity to be part of this awesome production
