Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Zack Matere's knowledge search story

Zack Matere, a farmer in Soy, Kenya, searched for a way to save his dying crops. What he discovered was a desire to help local farmers and businesses access information.
+zack matere is using the Internet to help people in his village and neighboring communities access information. He recently shared his "best ever picture," a snapshot of two of his friends, sitting in a field, a laptop in front of them on the ground, looking at the Internet for the first time.

"My best ever picture. When I share content with the people like omari in the picture , it always hits me.....the internet is just words and pictures ...and( anyone whatever level of life he she is) can learn from words and pictures. Omari can also share his thoughts in words and pictures.
How does he do this? .......thats why a network of village noticeboards known as leo pamoja that is now being set up in 5 villages in the interior of western Kenya....."

Zack is bringing the Internet to people who otherwise couldn't access it through a network of physical notice boards, where useful information from the Internet, such as farming tips and crop prices, are posted for everyone to see. The system has become a gateway to information that would otherwise remain out of reach for many of the people in this region.

Watch Zack's search story

And add him on Google+ to follow his journey.

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