Monday, September 24, 2012

Reinventing Nairobi's urban fabric by Urban Savannah Design Studio

Imagine a scenario where all residential estates in urban centres were eco-friendly with the ability to save rainwater for watering flower gardens and well-paved path walks? Or used solely solar energy for water heating and cooking? This September, Urban Savannah Design Studio (USDS), architectural outfit based in Westlands, will offer a visual glimpse of Nairobi in this new light. Read more:
About the Initiative
WHAT IF? is a self-initiated architecture and design campaign that explores and communicates contemporary and visionary ideas for the built environment that affect our daily lives. The campaign showcases great design ideas seeking to inspire everyone from fundis, architects, designers, developers, investors down to the average mwananchi (public). We look to both celebrate but also stir up debate within the city of Nairobi in an attempt to offer viable solutions to many of our city’s current and pressing issues. More: What if Architecture- Reinventing Nairobi's Urban Fabric

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