Tuesday, August 30, 2011

KQ plans to double fleet in five years

Kenya Airways plans to double its fleet in the next five years as part of a 10-year plan aimed at extending its network to every African nation. The airline, 26 percent owned by Air France KLM , aims to connect all African travellers to the rest of the world through its Nairobi hub. Kenya Airways, which is one of the largest carriers in Africa, along with Ethiopian Airlines and South Africa Airways, operates a fleet of around 27 planes, made up of Boeing aircraft and seven Embraer jets. Naikuni spoke after signing a confirmation deal with Brazil's Embraer for 10 E-190 jets, due for delivery between July next year through to 2013. read on: http://af.reuters.com/article/kenyaNews/idAFL5E7JU1E220110830

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