Thursday, September 1, 2011

Transport systems set for boost

The government is considering ways to improve transport systems such as inter-linking roads, rail, sea and air. It is also planning to cede some of the activities to the private sector. The measures are contained in the Integrated National Transport Policy and Road Safety Reform Programme set to be tabled in Parliament. The policy will guide development of all transport sub-sectors, roads, rail, aviation, maritime, inland water transport and pipeline transport system in the country.
“We are also negotiating with the ministry of Roads to have weighbridges stationed inside the port to help resolve transport problems,” Transport minister, Mr Amos Kimunya, said.
Drafted in 2004 and formulated in 2009, the policy identified several challenges facing the transport sector in the country and makes proposals on how to overcome them. Mr Kimunya said shortage of funds will not deter implementation of the programme and called for innovative ways to drive the exercise.
The Transport permanent secretary, Mr Cyrus Njiru, said the National Road Safety Council is considering reintroducing alcohol sensors to help reduce road accidents in the country. “The ministry, through the council, is also crafting more regulations especially those targeting motorcycles,” he said.

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