Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kenyan version of YouTube launched

Google has launched, a Kenyan version of YouTube. The goal is to give Kenyans an easy way to discover local content and content producers. When users visit the Kenyan domain, they will immediately see the most popular videos in Kenya and local content that matches their interests. Alongside this launch, YouTube has partnered with local broadcasters and producers to bring content ranging from KBC and NTV news segments to HomeBoyz produced Tinga Tinga Tales to a global audience. If your internet is slow, try out YouTube Feather. This beta offering helps to ensure that those with low-speed Internet connections can play videos faster. There's also a Swahili version of YouTube that is easily accessible by scrolling to the bottom of the YouTube homepage, clicking “language” and choosing Kiswahili. SOURCE:
Here is a mashup video that celebrates some of the current Kenyan content on YouTube:

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