Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life expectancy jumps to 64 years

The life expectancy of a Kenyan has increased to 64 years up from 55 two years ago, a report released on Sunday shows.

The data compiled by the University of Nairobi in partnership with 12 other universities worldwide notes that the life of Kenyans has improved substantially and they can expect to live longer.

The report, State Of The Tropics, further says that Zimbabwe is the only nation in the world that recorded a decline in life expectancy at 47 years. read more:

Life Expectancy in the Tropics
THE REPORT: The State of the Tropics report will consider the question: Is life in the tropics getting better?
Key institutions from across the world have joined forces to assess and report on the critical questions facing one of the world’s most important and fastest regions: the Tropics.

Over the past half-century the Tropics has emerged as an increasingly critical region. More than 40% of the world’s population now lives in the tropics and this is likely to be close to 50% by 2050. The region generates around 20% of global economic output and is home to some 80% of the world’s biodiversity. more:

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