Tuesday, October 4, 2011

About The Turkana Basin Institute


The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary project which facilitates research in the Turkana Basin of Northern Kenya. TBI is a working partnership between Stony Brook University, the National Museums of Kenya and the United States International University of Kenya. Other scientific institutional partners are expected to be involved in the next few years. The Turkana Basin Institute provides logistical support to researchers, greatly facilitating fieldwork in this remote and extensive area of northern Kenya. website: http://www.turkanabasin.org/about

Scientists from around the world convened at TBI for workshop
Scientists from around the world gathered at TBI’s Turkwel research facility in northern Kenya for the tenth annual Stony Brook University Human Evolution Workshop, between August 2-6. The workshop, entitled “Geological History of the Turkana Basin,”  covered topics such as the plate tectonic setting of the Turkana Basin, relation of the Turkana Depression to the Ethiopian Rift and Kenya Rift, timing of major faulting, sedimentary sequences, dating of volcanic sequences, volcanic rocks & volcanic history, geochemistry of ancient lakes, and the relationship of geology to paleontology. read on: http://www.turkanabasin.org/geoblog/2011/08/01/scientists-from-around-the-world-convene-at-tbi-for-workshop/

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