Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Desert in Northern Kenya Filled With Bees!

"A recent rainstorm has brought out the flowers in the desert of northern Kenya where I am currently based at the Turkana Basin Institute (TBI). I am here teaching an ecology module for the Turkana Basin Field School. This is an amazing research centre established through the efforts of the Leakeys to promote research and conservation in the area.
A single rainstorm that fell a few weeks ago has also brought out a large number of insects. Like many of the plants, the insects are active and taking opportunity of the greenery to forage and breed. And like the plants they are all under intense pressure to complete their life-cycles. For insects this often involves several stages as eggs, larvae, pupae and finally adults."
My name is Dino J. Martins, I am a Kenyan entomologist and I love insects....  I was humbled to be selected as a National Geographic Emerging Explorer.
read on: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2011/10/03/desert-in-northern-kenya-filled-with-bees/

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