Saturday, October 8, 2011

Juliana Rotich: A business and technology Game Changer

Every year the Huffington Post, the worlds most influential and $315 million valued blog selects 100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders in 12 categories who have made a significant impact in their chosen fields. This year, Juliana Rotich has been nominated as one of 10 change makers in the Business and Technology category. Nomination and more importantly winning in any of the categories brings more awareness of the work that the likes of Julliana and others are doing and helps inspire others to follow in their footsteps. 15.6 million read the Huffington Post daily, according to Quantcast. Details of her nomination:
Interview with DLDwomen: Talking about her organization, Ushahidi, "Think of it as an upturned umbrella, where you have an umbrella and the spokes are pointing out. The spokes represent all the different sources of information, and all that information is funneled into a map."

Vote here:

About Juliana Rotich
Juliana Rotich is originally from Kenya where she spent her early life and schooling. She later moved to the US where she majored in IT and has worked in the industry for over ten years. Being an African and having grown up in Africa, she naturally sees the immense opportunity technology has, to impact the lives of many people across the continent. Juliana has been travelling to the continent on a regular basis and has participated as well as engaged with several stakeholders working tirelessly towards getting Africa out of the so called 'Digital Divide'. Like many Kenyans, Juliana found herself in an awkward situation in January 2008 after the violence that ensued after Kenya's national elections. Being pro-active she collaborated with the online community and helped in founding, Ushahidi which is the Swahili word for testimony. Ushahidi is a web based reporting system that utilises crowdsourced data to formulate visual map information of a crisis on a real-time basis. source:
As a Program Director for Ushahidi she manages projects and aids in the development and testing of the Ushahidi platform. She also blogs at 'Afromusing' blog, typically with a focus on African tech and renewable energy. She is a budding African Futurist and a TED Senior Fellow. She often speaks at international conferences about tech and Africa. source:

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