Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Counties with the best chances to become economic giants

The beauty of a devolved system of government is that it hands the reigns of socio-economic development to the masses, who, in turn, show more motivation to perform than the technocrats in air-conditioned offices in the world’s capitals.

Many economic analysts expect the new Kenyan Constitution to be the catalyst that this country has, for decades, needed to bring sleeping economic giants to life.

Different parts of the country possess different economic strengths that can benefit from a more focused and closer leadership, which governors and representative councils sitting in each of the 47 counties will be expected to offer. Here are some of the counties which could thrive under the new system and go on to become dominant economic regions:
1.Turkana, 2.Narok, 3.Kitui, 4.Taita Taveta, 5.Laikipia, 6.Machakos, 7.Uasin Gishu, 8.Trans Nzoia, 9.Isiolo, 10.Nakuru, 11.Lamu,12.Siaya, 12.Homa Bay, 14.Kisii, 15.Kisumu.
read more: Daily Nation, March 13, 2012

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