Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Enormous tourism potential

Kenya can do better still
Tourism has recorded significant growth this year, with projections indicating that the number of visitors may hit a record high of 1.2 million.
This is good news for a sector that has been slowly recovering from the effects of the violence witnessed in 2007/2008 after a disputed elections and negative travel advisories.
In 2008, for example, only 729,000 tourists visited the country, but in 2009, the figure rose to 950,000.
The growth cannot be taken for granted, though. In fact, it results from the relative peace and stability in recent years, as well as aggressive marketing in Europe, America and Asia.
Infrastructure development, including expansion and rehabilitation of airports and roads, have added the sheen to tourism.
Notwithstanding these, Kenya has enormous potential to double the number of tourists and up the revenues if other strategies are pursued.
Poor road networks to key holiday destinations like the Maasai Mara ought to be fixed urgently, security improved, tourist attractions diversified and domestic tourism promoted.
While acknowledging the good performance so far, a great deal more must be done so that Kenya can reap the maximum benefits from tourism. source:

Kenya Reports Significant Increase in Australian Visitors
Kenya has proven its popularity with Australian safari seekers, recording an impressive 19.3% growth in Australian visitor numbers for the first six months of 2011 compared with the same period 2010. 
January-June, 8,975 Australians experienced the magic of Kenya, compared with 7,522 in the same period last year.
The biggest increases were seen in January (32.2%) and May (29.4%). The Kenya Tourist Board is expecting to see major growth in the second half of 2011, when visitors will flock to the country to witness the annual wildebeest migration.
African specialist wholesalers have reported excellent forward bookings for the rest of the year, despite the expectations of this being peak period for Kenya, reports have identified this as one of the best years on record with bookings for Kenya outperforming those of other African destinations. source:

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